Code - Computers - Electronics

The Computer Pages:

  • My Computer Hardware
  • The existace of this page is, in some small way, a testiment to at least a small grasp of HTML and some CSS magic, but thats not all...

    X86 ASM

  • Smallest Hello World
  • PoC||GTFO

    My mirror of a good read for anyone interested in computer security, reverse engineering, and the like.
  • Mirror Page
  • Electronics

    I have a little lab set up in my attic, and manage to fix a few things, or even make new things.
  • Electronics.
  • Ruby

    This is the language I've done the most in, as part of teaching myself to code. Like many of my hobbies, its sort of an on-again off-again type deal. Its not an amazing body of work, but here it is: GitHub
    My projects include Light Calc. a programming exercise, intended to be used for calculating the power usage of lights for technicial theatre. The next version started adding a tracking feature, for inventory and the like.
    My second project is MundaneChat, another exercise, this time in sockets programming by making a chat program. It has only achieved basic functionality so far (like most of my work!).

    All these pages

    I wrote this page, and generally most of my code, using Brackets. The live prieview is handy when making a page, and extensions allow for a good bit of customization. Some of my favorites are: