My Main Computer

Self built, containing:

  • Pentium G3258
  • GTX 750Ti
  • 8gb of Memory (Which as time goes on seems more and more paltry...)
  • A hard drive, spins, holds 1 TB give or take
    Update: Four or so drives now, One for each os, ~2.5tb? Plus two backup drives.
  • A CD/DVD Burner, manner of operation as follows: Push the eject button, grab pre-unfolded paperclip, push into hole to actuate whatever it is you actuate to make it open. It was free, and therefore is worth the effort.
  • The aformentioned paperclip

    The aformentioned paperclip, sitting in its appointed place. Plus stickers!

    Operating System(s)

  • Debian "Jessie" for most stuff/ daily work
  • Windows 10 Pro for Adobe Lightroom and some Gaming
  • A Slackware-64 multilib install, just for fun