Template Page

Caveat: This is more a stream of conciousness writing than a formal essay.

Now it is time to write a fun easter egg on the hidden template page (not well hidden, but unlinked). If you are reading this, thanks so much for looking around so extensively that you came across it. No credit card numbers here though.


I was looking through a list of HTML tags when I saw that <center> was no longer supported in HTML5.
Obviously they recommended using CSS instead. But something about that bothers me. I try to avoid mucking with my (poor) CSS, so slapping a <center> in can be very handy. Backwards compatibality will be maintained in any reasonable browser, but even still one-and-done webpages with only HTML are the most endangered kind. Of course the era of the personal webpage as a dominant expressive form has ended, the web has moved on. Technology has moved on. Still something calls me to this style of expression. Something calls me to the purity of a medium controled and created by each person. No advertisers here. No data sold to pay for the server.